Markholt & Partners

Privacy Policy

Markholt & Partners’
cookie and privacy policy

About this cookie and privacy policy

This cookie and privacy policy describe how we, Markholt & Partners, process the information about you that we collect and utilize when you use our services.

Markholt & Partners is the data controller, and we ensure that your personal information is processed in compliance with current legislation.

We collect and process personal information as a natural part of the operation of our website (http://marchermarkholt.com/), and for this reason, we have enacted this cookie and privacy policy.

We collect a lot of data about our users (both companies and candidates) via other means than the website, e.g. via phone calls, LinkedIn or email.

When we ask you to make your personal information available to us, we inform you which information we process and for what purpose. You will receive information about this when the data is collected.

This cookie and privacy policy apply from December 1st 2018. Markholt & Partners may change the cookie and privacy policy from time to time, and users of our website will be informed about this whenever applicable.

When you agree to this cookie and privacy policy, you will be providing us with consent to process your personal information in accordance with the terms of this policy as set out below and according to GDPR article 6 (1) (a) and (b).

Our contact information is:
Markholt & Partners
Palægade 6, 3. sal
DK-1261 Copenhagen K

Email: info@marchermarkholt.com

Contents of this cookie and privacy policy

  • Job seekers/candidates: your personal information and how we process it
  • Employers: your information and how we process it
  • Visitors to our website
  • Security
  • Retention of your personal information
  • Your rights
  • Complaints body

Job seekers/candidates: your personal information and how we process it
When you apply for a job through our website or other means, we will ask you to agree to Markholt & Partners’ cookie and privacy policy and thereby give consent to the processing of your personal information. If you decline to give us your consent, we regret that we will not be able to assist you with your job search.

The personal information you provide us with when you send us your resume, complete your candidate profile through our recruitment platform and the like as part of a recruitment process, will only be processed and retained for the purpose of execution of the recruitment process. The purpose is to evaluate your qualifications for recruitment by the employing company.

The majority of personal information will be collected directly from the candidate. This information will usually be provided in connection to a resume or the like, including:

  • Name
  • Address and contact information
  • Birthday
  • Career history

As part of the recruitment process, we conduct interviews in which we collect personal information about the candidate. Only the necessary and relevant information will be processed and used in the evaluation of whether the candidate is qualified for further interviews and potentially for meeting with the employing company (the client).

As a data controller, Markholt & Partners collects and process personal information from candidates in order to:

  • Execute the requested recruitment process
  • Deliver the services which Markholt & Partners takes on to deliver to the client (the employing company), including a selection of the right candidates
  • To discharge Markholt & Partners’ contractual and legal obligations.
  • Update the user's profile so that they are better matched with relevant jobs

As a candidate, you have the right to withdraw your consent or amend your communications preferences at any time. You can request access to your personal data by sending an email to info@marchermarkholt.com, specifying your request.

In order to deliver our services to you, it is necessary to share relevant personal information about you with trusted third parties such as IT services, web hosts, etc. We only use data processors who offer the required guarantees of appropriate technical and organizational arrangements ensuring that the processing complies with current data protection legislation, including protection of the data subject’s rights.

We use third-party data processors for IT services and personality testing. You can find our data processors here.

We do not share your personal information with data processers outside EU/EEA, nor do we share it with data processors who wish to use your information for marketing purposes.

Employers: your information and how we use it
When you contact us in relation to a potential collaboration, we will register information about you; including but not limited to:

  • Your name
  • Your job title
  • Your professional contact information, including your email address.
  • Your company/organization.

We collect this information in order to:

  • Deliver the agreed service
  • Be able to report about the work we undertake on your behalf
  • Advise you of relevant services and products
  • Seek your feedback on our services
  • Update the user's profile so that they are better matched with relevant talents.

You have the right to withdraw your consent or amend your communications preferences at any time. You can request access to your personal data by sending an email to your trusted consultant at Markholt & Partners, with whom you work, or by sending an email to info@marchermarkholt.com, specifying your request.

Visitors to our website
It is possible for you to visit our website without having us register information about you as described in the following section. However, you should be aware that our website uses cookies, and deactivating them might lead to reduced functionality of the website. You can read more about our use of cookies in the next section.

We use cookies on our website. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser and recognized by the website when you revisit it. The cookies allow us to send individualized information to your browser. A cookie can include text, numbers, dates, etc., but cannot contain viruses.

We use Google Analytics and optimization cookies to collect general user-related statistics about visitors to our website.

We collect information about the location of your unit based on the IP address, which pages you visit on our website, and how long time you spend on them. We gather this information in order to better understand how our website is used, and so that we can optimize it to give you the best possible experience.

We share some of this information with trusted third parties so they too may understand how our website is used.

We do not use cookies for marketing purposes.

Below is a list of the types of cookies we use and what they are used for:



Application cookies

These cookies are necessary for your to navigate around our website.

Measurement cookies

We use Google Analytics to improve the functionality and usability of the site and the services we provide to site visitors. We are working on a solution to anonymize data before GA receives them. For further information, please see Google Analytics’ Privacy Policy.


Markholt & Partners is committed to protecting your personal information in order to avoid accidental or unauthorized destruction or alteration, unauthorized publication, and unauthorized access or disclosure.

We only use EU-based data processors who retain and process personal information in accordance with Markholt & Partners’ cookie and privacy policy and current legislation.

In case of a security breach causing a high risk of discrimination, ID theft or fraud, economic loss, loss of reputation, or other significant inconvenience for you, you will be notified as quickly as possible.

Retention of your personal information
Before collecting your personal information, Markholt & Partners requests that you give your consent to us retaining your resume for two years, and information provided through our recruitment platform for five years, after which it is deleted unless you have actively given consent to a longer retention period or renewed your consent to continued processing, including continued retention.

Where required by Danish law, such as the accounting legislation, we may retain for a longer period certain personal information about you to fulfill our legal obligations.

Your rights

  • You have the right to gain access to your personal information
  • You have the right to have inaccurate personal data amended, curtailed, or deleted
  • You have the right to object to our processes of your personal information
  • You have the right to withdraw your consent to Markholt & Partners processing your personal information at any time. If you ask us to delete the personal information we hold on you, we will delete all the information which we are not legally obliged to retain.
  • You may have the right to data portability where the processing of personal data is carried out by automatic means and based on your consent or on a contract.
  • You have the right to limit the processing of information.

Complaints body

If you wish to lodge a complaint against our processing of your personal information, including if we have not met your requests pursuant to your rights as described above, you have the possibility to contact Markholt & Partners at the following email info@marchermarkholt.com or the Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5th floor, 1300 Copenhagen C) via dt@datatilsynet.dk or +45 33 19 32 00.

Thank you for your trust.